Rise and shine, campers! Join Matt and Ricky as they watch the Fastest Jack in Jefferson County existentially struggle with his entrapment in a hellish time loop, being forced to self-actualize over mind-numbing decades with no hope for escape, not even the sweet, sweet release of death. And finally land the girl of his dreams! It's the feel-good show of the season!
Seriously though, I've typed this same description for a week straight. Someone help
Push-start your 1970s station wagon and get down to the supper club; it's time to get some new podcast all over those nice white pants. Matt and Ricky find-a balance watching The Karate Kid, as Mr. MiyaGI and a hopefully-legal Elizabeth Shue teach Daniel-san about life, love, and how not to get beat up, like, every day at school. Man, teenagers tutored by a military-trained sociopath sure can be cruel.
Show me "Download Podcast". If do right, no can defense.
It's a belated Christmas come early as Matt—and Ricky—watch Die Hard for the first time! Don your gay apparel, turn off the car phone, and watch as a group of ruthlessly efficient German thieves-cum-terrorists get annihilated by a NYPD beat cop with no shoes. The bullets and the accents fly fast-and-loose in this bloody and violent holiday classic. Now you have a podcast. Ho. Ho. Ho.
The first episode that Matt and Ricky have officially recorded; all other episodes are non-canon (until we retcon them in our crossover timeline). Crack open some baby food and join us as we take a leisurely robo-stroll through Old Detroit, won't you? We get our limbs shot off by Red Foreman, wet our worsted wool with Ronny Cox, and watch Joss Whedon get cancelled again, permanently. Directive 4 is installed, so you literally can't not listen to this episode.
Update: Please see this blog post for a note regarding the 10-second period of silence at 19:20 in this episode.
This week, Matt and Ricky find their podcast legs and also watch the 1979 dystopian gang-flick "The Warriors". It's vest-wearing, train-running, grope-punching, slo-mo-knife-throwing fun as our motley crew fights their way back from a Model UN gone terribly wrong to home base under the Wonder Wheel. No mimes were harmed during recording.
The first test episode ever recorded, Matt and Ricky kick off their fledgling show with 1980s sci-fi camp classic “Flash Gordon.” Look out, Flash—they know who you are because you're wearing a t-shirt with your name on it, and Ming the Merciless’ eyebrows will stop at nothing to destroy you!